Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day One: The Search for the So-Called Ubiquitous IPad SIM card & Rickshaw Tour

We started our first day by waking up early and grabbing breakfast at a local café.  We were able to Skype and catch up on our emails on their wifi, but I was unable to connect to the blog…so my apologies for taking so long to post- apparently the Chinese gov’t wasn’t interested in letting us share our travels with everyone.  So, after like 3 hours of chatting with Witopia tech support and getting nowhere, they told me to forgot it for now and try in a few more hours.  To say the very least, our trip was not going terribly smoothly up until 2 pm…no one speaks English here!  Our first mission was to track down a Chinese 3G network SIM card so Jen could use her Ipad.   We had to do some serious pointing and fumbling around to get as far as we did, and acting out SIM card with hand motions, it’s no easy task.

Lunch- cold tofu noodles

 White wine does not equal white Wine….It equals terrible alcohol that tastes like tequila
Hutong Rickshaw Tour
The day picked up though once we made it to the Bell and Drum Tower for the drum show and rickshaw tour of the Hutong (Hutong= original urban planning of city of Beijing, they are becoming extinct because of urbanization, their high prices, and the lack of interest of the younger population in wanting to inhabit them.  They are less appealing to younger people because there is no parking for cars, narrow alleys, and  no bathrooms)

Love this bike and China
On our Rickshaw with our driver!  He was speedy!

The drum performance in the Drum Tower- used to be used
to tell the time of day
The Drum Tower

Drinks and a Happy Ending (kidding! Umm, sort of)
After we got drinks in the Hou Hai area of town, a lovely bar district near a river and the hutongs.   Afterwards we settled in for a 75 minute food massage for 168 RMB ($26)  it was just what we needed.

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